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Aren't maids supposed to clean up the mess, why the hell is she fucking herself with a dildo?
Tags: hot up skirt photos, look up skirt pics
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Text comments (3)

Sajid ( 10 years ago )
I'm glad you're doing well with the health prorgam!  I have been following your blog since the Penn. days, and really enjoy reading your comments.  I have moved to Middle Tn. on some land in the last year from the Pacific NW, and have also lost weight due to labor on the farm.  My wife is an excellent cook and we have been watching what we eat for many years.  Now we can also grow some of what we eat!
Nhola ( 10 years ago )
Melissa. Not too sure if you will read this as it is an ancient post. I've often thhogut of giving a seminar for single women, couples, and families on the advantages of social nudism, but don't quite know how to go about it. As a single male, I would expect a seminar to be much more acceptable if a female co-directed. AANR sponsership would be a big help and go a long way toward acceptance.Perhaps reaching out to interested females and families through the local media and the internet is an option. What do you think? And any advise would be most appreciated.
Amira ( 10 years ago )
Hi Melissa,  I am the only one in my family that enyjos being clothes free. I would like my wife to join me, but for some reason she doesn't feel comfortable or she has  somthing else to say like why?  I am not a member of any like AANR, or Minnesota Naturist. I am a home nudist and have been one for a number of years. We don't have any place close to my area that is private or secluded. I lived south of Mankato, MN. and as far as nudist friends there are none. As far as starting a conversation on nudity/naturism without people thinking your some kind of weirdo how would you start? Hope you can help.Thanks

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